Tuesday, July 26, 2011

19 weeks and counting

Well today was another exciting day at the doctors office. I meet your Mommy and Daddy so I could get another sneak peak at you. You have really grown in the last 30-days. You now weigh 10oz and you're 8 inches long! The nurse seemed very pleased with your Mommy as she has finally started to show and you have gained a little weight.

You were really putting on a show for us, wiggling around and showing off for the sonogram. Check out the video clip.

In the beginning

June 27, 2011
Your Mommy had gone to the doctor for an infection and was told she was 6-8 weeks pregnant so she made an appointment to see her regular doctor. This is where the "Hollie" story begins. Your Grandma, Aunt Maddie and me all go to the doctor with your Mommy and Daddy to find out when your birthday is going to be. We also were hoping to hear your heart beat for the first time. Well, what a little surprise you gave all of us including the nurse and doctor. Here we were thinking you would be born in February...but within 20-minutes of arriving at the doctors we find out your Mommy is not 6-8 weeks pregnant but 15 weeks and 3 days and you already weighted 4oz and are 4 inches long.! Your Mommy did not look pregnant at all, see the picture below. This is your first family picture.