Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Okay, I know I've blown up the Blog these last few days but here's the last one for now. (I need to get better at posting)

Christmas was a blur but WONDERFUL!! The kids met me at church for Christmas Eve service.

 I just love a good candlelight service

Afterwards, Ryan thought it was FUNNY to have EVERYONE in our row pass their candles down to me.

Holli's first church service (look at those lips!)

James' family joined us


Me and the girls (3-generations)

James and Brittany

Auntie Doll & Aunt Tab

The Family

Christmas morning started out giving the pups their gifts

The kids always come for Christmas breakfast and look who showed up with her Christmas dolly?

Tab & Ryan gave Holli a customized book called "Who Loves Holli" (along with LOTs of other stuff)

Guess who's holding Holli?

Holli's first stocking

Ryan chillin

Tab digging in her stocking

James opening his gift

Tab holding Holli AGAIN

Christmas just wears out a little girl

Baby Blakely!

Tab and Ryan's 20-week check up. Jerry, Sue, Brittany, and I all crowed in the room to get a glimpse of Blakely. She is doing GREAT and growing big and strong. Heart rate was 145 and she is now 8oz and 8 inches long.

 Tab FINALLY has a cute little bump

The sonogram tech was very nice and informative. She had a hard time getting a good profile picture of Blakely as she was head down and facing backwards. (That little toot)

Look at those lips and nose. Don't you just want to KISS them???

Oh yea, Holli came too.

Two weeks and 8lbs 5oz

Strike a Pose

 Holli's oneis says "Who needs Santa when you have grandparents" In the photo it looks like "got grandpa" :)

Love this photo, she is SO alert!

 Baby cleavage


 Love, Love, Love

 Holli is 1oz over her birth weight and is one week old at the time of these pictures

Blink of an Eye

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Traumatic morning and big changes from yesterday. The pediatrician stopped in at 9:15am Holli will need to be placed under the photo lamp for 24 hours. Her blood work showed her belly-Ruben levels at 13.78. When I arrived at the hospital before 11am and the nurse had just taken Holli’s IV out due to her needing Photo Therapy for jaundice.

Nanny, Papaw and Tim were already there and said it was so sad to see Holli cry like that and Britt too. Papaw said he’s been through 3-generations and it never gets easier. They were all upset and crying. (I'm glad I stopped by Starbucks on my way in)

9:25am the photo therapy started. Nanny, papaw and Tim left after lunch. It was great having them here and being a part of all this. We love them so much.

12:30 Latche nurse, Deborah came in and really worked with Britt. She explained the hematoma (bruise) on Holli’s head from the suction is most likely why her belly-Ruben count is high. The kidneys and liver need to move the old blood out of her system and some of the blood is in the bruise and needs flushed out.

Holli is 3.8% down in weight from birth which according to the nurse is good. 6.13lbs as of 12:40pm. Now that Holli is under the photo lamp she can only be removed for 30mins at a time and only for feeding.

  The pediatrician showed James how to feed Holli with the 5-french tube method. (Pretty cool)

 10cc of formula at a time and she is still hungry so James is giving her 10cc more. She is one little PIGGY.

Obgyn on-call stopped by and told Britt she placed her on antibiotic yesterday since her white bold count was elevated. This might be why Holli was born with a fever even though Brittany didn't have a fever at birth. Britt will be discharged today but Holli will have to stay another night. L

The hospital is moving Holli to the pediatric ward and James and Britt will have to stay in Holli's room now that Britt is being discharged and Holli is becoming the patient.

 Really can tell how jaundice Holli is with her diaper and glasses off.

1:20pm Britt is discharged and will move to pediatrics once a room becomes available. Holli will be discharged tomorrow after 9am Lord willing. The doctor has to check her white blood counts to make sure the infection is gone. If not, she’ll have to have an IV for another round of antibiotics. Poor baby has been poked so many times she didn't even cry last time. :(
2:45pm Nurse Renee from the nursery helps move Holli to her room. (The baby becomes the patient)

3pm Holli is all settled in her new room B470 with Nurse Emily.

3:20 nursed for 20 mins and now 3:45 James is feeding her while Britt naps.
Holli had a few visitors
Linda stopped by

 Reny and girls came by (Happy Birthday, Reny)

 Kristina was a little nervous at first

Reny, Kristina and Stefanie brought Holli this ADORABLE pink hat and teddy bear.

8:20pm Holli is weighting 6.12

9:51pm nurse came in and Holli’s blood work came back negative!!! Praise GOD. No more IV for her, she’s one step closer to going home.

Kathy came up and stayed until almost 2am. Kathy and I traded off feeding Holli with the tube while Britt and James got some sleep. Britt tried nursing from time to time but her milk still hadn’t come in and Holli was hungry.  I stayed the night and feed Holli every 2-hours while Britt and James got a good nights sleep. Had to wake Britt every 2 hours so she could pump to trick her body to think she was nursing so her milk would come in. It was a LONG night.
Monday, December 12, 2011
6am lab tech came to take blood from Holli to test her Belly-Ruben. Cross your fingers it’s low enough so she can go home.
7:30 – Holli got her walking PAPERS! Blood count looks good, Belly-Ruben level is 9.8 – good enough to go home. They are giving her her first of 3 Hepatitis B vac and she’ll have to have a follow up appointment with the pedestrian on Wednesday (in 2-days) to double check her levels.

Finally get to hold her after 24-hours
Check out her CUTE hat from the Samuel's!
Side note: infant temperature of 100.4 or below is normal. Anything over 100.4 in an infant is fever.
Coming home outfit from Aunt Amy

Look how CUTE she is!!

11:30 – discharged
heading home!!!!

 Just look at those chubby cheeks!

 Ninja checking out the newest member of the family

 Can I help?

 Shasta is a little more reserved

 Ninja can't get enough

Home Sweet Home