December 9, 2011
It was a foggy morning with a temperature of 34* outside. Tabatha and I meet James and Britt at the hospital at 5am. Tabatha brought balloons and a Happy Birthday cookie cake she made. (she's so thoughtful)
Had quite an issue administering the IV. They pricked Britt 3 times and she was SO over it. Once IV was in at 8am, they started her on some fluids and then pitocin.
Nurse Carrie came in and contractions begin to get much closer together then Dr. Ferrara can in at 9:25 and broke Britt's water. (Britt was 90% effaced and still only dilated to a 2) Tim, Nanny and Papaw showed up just after her water was broke and we were so glad they could be here for this special event.
Here's Papa Tim with his baby girl.
Papaw Ken came just before lunch
All the guys (Papa Tim, Daddy James, Papaw Ken & Papaw George)
and most important, the WOMEN in Holli's life (Aunt Tab, Nanny Gloria, Gigi and Grandma)
Grandma Kathy made this for the door along with a beautiful crochet blanketed.
Contractions begin to get stronger and more painful. Britt said it felt like bad stomach pains like when you have to go to the bathroom "and you’re not sure if it is going to come out your mouth or your butt” (we laughted so hard at this)
When her doctor came in and checked her at noon, she ask for an epidural. The anesthesiologist assistant came in at 12:30 to administer the epidural. AGAIN, they pricked her 3 times and after sticking it into a blood vessel, Brittany began to get blurred vision, a headache and her and the baby’s blood pressure dropped. That's when the Anesthesiologist came in and got it in on the first try! They inserted the catheter and Britt said to us “Did you know they shove it up your pee hole!” And 2 hours later, we got to finally go back into the room and see her.
Worn out from all the excitement, James and Britt took a nap
Nurse Carrie came in at 3:30 and checked Britt. She is now dilated to 6-7 cm. She put Britt in a different position to speed up the process.
James bought Brittany some flowers and this cute "It's a Girl" teddy bear
Dr. Ferrara came in at 4:15 to check Britt and at that point Britt was dilated to an 8 and the doctor could feel Holli’s head! We were all ask to leave and wait in the waiting room. Tabatha was the only one that stayed with James and Brittany to document the delivery. (lucky)
At 5:22 Britt was dilated to a 10 and the nurse removed the catheter and Britt began PUSHING!!
This is when James came running out to the waiting room so excited stating this was SO COOL he could see his baby's head.
3 and 4 pushes per contraction.
At 6:56pm Holli Kelvie Jones is born! 7lbs. 1.9oz and 19” long.
Hard labor the last 2 hours due to Holli being face up and she couldn't get under Britt's pelvis bone. The doctor had to turned her face down but Holli decided to turn face up again on the way out.
Poor little head is all swollen and bruised. The doctor had to use the vacuum to help Britt since Holli was stuck.
Holli was crying and when James held her hand and spoke to her, she stopped crying. (awe)
First family picture
Brittany skin-to-skin time before they took Holli to the NICU
Holli was born with a fever of 100.6 and it took her a while to latch on when Britt tried to breast feed. 8:51 pm moving Britt to a private room and baby Holli is going to the nursery for blood work.
NICU nurse, Chelsea, in the pink whom the girls went to school with, came in to check Holli out since she still has a temperature of 100.5. They are giving Holli an IV to administrator a series of antibiotics as a precaution for bacterial infections.
It’s now 9:22pm and we are all waiting in Britt’s room for Holli to come in from the nursery. (James still hasn’t held her) Brittany's mother instincts have kicked in as she wants to know where HER baby is!!
Auntie Doll's first peek at Holli in the nursery
We song "Happy Birthday" and toasted to Holli's birth
Around 10:30pm Chelsea wheels Holli in
James finally gets to hold his baby girl. (very sweet moment)
Three generations
then it’s was our turn to pass her around and love on her. (4 generations)
Chelsea gives Holli her first bath around 11 pm
We all leave the hospital around midnight to only dream about seeing her tomorrow.
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