Now that you’ve reached 10 weeks, you can stop wondering when you’ll start to actually look pregnant. It’s probably right around now, as your baby continues her rapid growth and your tummy starts to develop some extra curve (of course, you still might be the only one who notices). In the process, your ligaments and muscles are starting to stretch, so don’t be surprised if you start feeling some aches and pains. While, some moms-to-be don’t really get them, others find these sensations -- called “round ligament pain” -- well, downright painful. Your breasts have probably gotten bigger too, since they’ve been prepping for breastfeeding for weeks already! That’s why week 10 is probably a good time to stock up on some new, looser clothes -- and maybe your first round of maternity wear. Don’t go too crazy though. As your body continues to change, you’ll likely want to get some more essentials along the way.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
32 weeks and counting
Britt's doctor visit went well yesterday. Holli's heart beat was 160 and Britt has gained around 36 pounds so far. After the doctors we went and toured the labor/delivery at Plano Presby and meet a very nice nurse named Shirley. Britt just needs to find a pediatrician now before going into labor.
Enjoyed our lunch together at Baker Bros. Love you girl!
At 32 weeks, baby’s birth still seems kind of far away, but you and baby are physically ready in a lot of ways, just in case there’s an early arrival. Baby may have turned so she’s in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal. And you may have noticed your nipples looking darker. That’s so a preemie can see them for breastfeeding -- isn't your body so amazing? Intensity might be building in the symptoms department, as heartburn and contractions intensify around week 32. But we’re guessing you’re so excited about baby’s impending arrival, they’re not slowing you down much.
Enjoyed our lunch together at Baker Bros. Love you girl!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Shower of gifts
What a great weekend with firends and family. Brittany stopped by Friday night while Tab, Nanny and I were making cakeballs and finishing the favors.
Brittany and her onies |
Pre party set-up |
Brittany 31 weeks and Tabatha 9 weeks |
Four generations |
Aunt Doll won with 12 squares |
Holli BANKED |
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Baby Thompson at 9-weeks
No longer an embryo, your baby has graduated to a fetus! Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a large grape or green olive — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.
Tab and Ryan had their first ultrasound today!! Doc said the baby had a super strong heartbeat (175) and all looks great! Chance of miscarriage is less than 1% :)

Hello baby. Stay safe, grow strong and I'll hold you come May.
Tab and Ryan had their first ultrasound today!! Doc said the baby had a super strong heartbeat (175) and all looks great! Chance of miscarriage is less than 1% :)

Hello baby. Stay safe, grow strong and I'll hold you come May.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Week 30 - October 10, 2011
Mommy visited the doctor October 4 and the doctor told her her uterus is showing 2-weeks larger which could mean you might come a few weeks early. Due date is still December 16th but now we have a betting pool on your due date.
Here's the dates so far:
Uncle Ryan - Nov 17
Mommy - Nov 20
Gigi (Me) - Nov 21
Aunt Katie (Aunt Tab's good friend) - Nov 24
Aunt Tab - Dec 5
Daddy - Dec 13
Linda (Gigi's good friend) - Dec 18
At 30 weeks, your Mommy's belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere she goes, someone seems to have a comment about her physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, she's encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?)
Mom's dreams might be getting even weirder -- if your Mommy is actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so she should consider doing some prep work to help her rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe she'll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car.
Mommy and Daddy attended a birthing class over the weekend that was 4-hours long! Let's just say they didn't it was less than exciting and they left after 2-hours!! Your parents...I'm still praying for them. :)
Here's the dates so far:
Uncle Ryan - Nov 17
Mommy - Nov 20
Gigi (Me) - Nov 21
Aunt Katie (Aunt Tab's good friend) - Nov 24
Aunt Tab - Dec 5
Daddy - Dec 13
Linda (Gigi's good friend) - Dec 18
At 30 weeks, your Mommy's belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere she goes, someone seems to have a comment about her physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, she's encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?)
Mom's dreams might be getting even weirder -- if your Mommy is actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so she should consider doing some prep work to help her rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe she'll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car.
Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.
Week 29
Holli your energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath your skin. And since you're growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for Mom: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs.
Thanks to your ever-expanding uterus, it's time to welcome back the constant bathroom dashes. And try your best to forget about any emerging varicose veins -- they might be ugly, but they're harmless and should fade after delivery. Until then, avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time and make sure to get some exercise (it'll boost your circulation).
Aunt Tab is 6-weeks now and baby cousin is a little SWEET PEA!
Has the news sunk in yet? At six weeks, your pregnancy is still new to you, so it’s normal to feel a little emotional. Add that to some pretty uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms (which include hormone fluctuations that can feel like PMS -- on steroids!), and it’s understandable to feel downright miserable. That’s probably why you have a whole nine months to adjust to pregnancy -- and also because baby needs all that time to get all her working parts in order. What’s amazing is that of many of the crucial areas of baby development have already started at 6 weeks including circulating blood and sprouting eyes. Now that you're pregnant, you probably have a million questions on your mind. Be sure to write them down so you have them ready to ask your OB at your first prenatal visit. Until then, we hope we can answer a bunch for you.
your baby's the size of a sweet pea!
The average embryo at week 6 is about .25 inches and will double in size again next week. Wow!
Guess what? Aunt Tabatha is Pregos!!! She just told us the news (9-16-11). We are all SO excited!!! She came by to help me and your mom decorate your new pad and Uncle Ryan and her had just got home from their annual vacation. She said she had something for us which we thought was a gift from the trip BUT NO...she hands me this picture of their feet with little brown booties and the caption says "Oh Baby". At first I didn't get it but then I looked at her and back to the picture and said YOU??? and she said YES ME! Here's the picture they gave Ryan's parents the next day.
Five weeks is a common time when moms-to-be find out they’re pregnant (though some won’t discover it for a couple more weeks still). That’s because by now you probably realized you’ve missed your period. Plus, heightened pregnancy hormone levels may be giving you some symptoms that are tough to ignore, like sore breasts, nausea and fatigue. (Those same hormones are the ones your pregnancy test picked up to give you a positive result.) These are just the beginning of the slew of changes your body is about to go through. No need to worry though: many moms-to-be say the first trimester was the toughest part of pregnancy, so you’re probably getting the rough stuff out of the way early. In the meantime, be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest, eat right and test out some ways to deal with the queasies (eating small, more frequent meals is one good one). Maybe even ask your partner for a massage. After all, you might not have a big bump, but at five weeks pregnant, your body is working fast and furiously to grow baby, so you deserve a little TLC, right?
Five weeks is a common time when moms-to-be find out they’re pregnant (though some won’t discover it for a couple more weeks still). That’s because by now you probably realized you’ve missed your period. Plus, heightened pregnancy hormone levels may be giving you some symptoms that are tough to ignore, like sore breasts, nausea and fatigue. (Those same hormones are the ones your pregnancy test picked up to give you a positive result.) These are just the beginning of the slew of changes your body is about to go through. No need to worry though: many moms-to-be say the first trimester was the toughest part of pregnancy, so you’re probably getting the rough stuff out of the way early. In the meantime, be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest, eat right and test out some ways to deal with the queasies (eating small, more frequent meals is one good one). Maybe even ask your partner for a massage. After all, you might not have a big bump, but at five weeks pregnant, your body is working fast and furiously to grow baby, so you deserve a little TLC, right?
your baby's the size of an appleseed!
Your embryo is now measurable -- though at week five, it's a wee .13 inches -- and she's gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week, she'll almost double in size. Grow baby grow!
28 weeks
Your lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, you'll have a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Your skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.
Mom sprung a leak! Those thick, yellow drips (called colostrum), are the precursor to breast milk. Try a pair of cotton breast pads and make sure to change them whenever they get damp to avoid the dreaded chafe. Still milk-free? That's normal too -- some women just don't leak.
So you and Mom come to visit me in Napa for a 3-day weekend. Napa was so pretty and the weather turned out to me so nice. You and Mom were such great troopers. We were up for breakfast each morning by 7:30 and off to wine taste by 10am. (Mom sipped carefully). The funny thing was your Mom was wanting to sample cupcakes one day and was googling cupcake places in Napa BUT we had one more winery to go to first. Your Mom clearly stated..."I just want a damn cupcake". It was the tag line for the day. :) Not only did we find her A cupcake BUT 5 cupcakes!!! We all tried them and the raspberry cheesecake got thumbs up from us all.
At seven weeks, you’re probably gearing up for your first prenatal visit with your OB, and you’re probably dying to know what to expect. Brace yourself to give a variety of samples (blood, urine and cervical cells -- yeesh!), get an ultrasound test that will confirm baby’s doing okay in there and get an estimated due date (yep, you might already have one, but the doc may adjust it a bit based on what she sees). It probably seems weird to go about your day knowing you’re pregnant, when no one else can see it. Not to mention, wondering what it will be like when everyone else can see it. Caught yourself staring at your tummy in the mirror -- and even pushing it out to fake a baby bump, just to get a preview? Yeah, we did that too during week seven.
Mom sprung a leak! Those thick, yellow drips (called colostrum), are the precursor to breast milk. Try a pair of cotton breast pads and make sure to change them whenever they get damp to avoid the dreaded chafe. Still milk-free? That's normal too -- some women just don't leak.
So you and Mom come to visit me in Napa for a 3-day weekend. Napa was so pretty and the weather turned out to me so nice. You and Mom were such great troopers. We were up for breakfast each morning by 7:30 and off to wine taste by 10am. (Mom sipped carefully). The funny thing was your Mom was wanting to sample cupcakes one day and was googling cupcake places in Napa BUT we had one more winery to go to first. Your Mom clearly stated..."I just want a damn cupcake". It was the tag line for the day. :) Not only did we find her A cupcake BUT 5 cupcakes!!! We all tried them and the raspberry cheesecake got thumbs up from us all.
Linda, Brittnay, Me & April
Baby Thompson is a Little Blueberry this week!
At seven weeks, you’re probably gearing up for your first prenatal visit with your OB, and you’re probably dying to know what to expect. Brace yourself to give a variety of samples (blood, urine and cervical cells -- yeesh!), get an ultrasound test that will confirm baby’s doing okay in there and get an estimated due date (yep, you might already have one, but the doc may adjust it a bit based on what she sees). It probably seems weird to go about your day knowing you’re pregnant, when no one else can see it. Not to mention, wondering what it will be like when everyone else can see it. Caught yourself staring at your tummy in the mirror -- and even pushing it out to fake a baby bump, just to get a preview? Yeah, we did that too during week seven.
your baby's the size of a blueberry!
Your .51-inch embryo doesn't exactly tip the scales just yet but she's developing like crazy. She's already doubled in size since last week.
you're 27 weeks!
Holli you're now the size of an eggplant!
Your lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means you're now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in your Mommy's womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey -- it's progress.
You're now 14 inches long and 2.7 pounds! I wasn't able to go with Mom to the doctor today but Grandma Kathy and your daddy was and this is the picture Grandma sent me.
Your looking at the camera.
Your Mommy has got a sudden pain in your rear. That's just you, settling into place for your upcoming debut. our head might be pressing on your sciatic nerve, which can cause pain and numbness down the backs of Moms legs. Don't worry -- it'll ease up soon after labor. For now, Mom's aching back deserves a pat. You've reached trimester three!
Your lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means you're now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in your Mommy's womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey -- it's progress.
You're now 14 inches long and 2.7 pounds! I wasn't able to go with Mom to the doctor today but Grandma Kathy and your daddy was and this is the picture Grandma sent me.
Your looking at the camera.
Your Mommy has got a sudden pain in your rear. That's just you, settling into place for your upcoming debut. our head might be pressing on your sciatic nerve, which can cause pain and numbness down the backs of Moms legs. Don't worry -- it'll ease up soon after labor. For now, Mom's aching back deserves a pat. You've reached trimester three!
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