Clumsy at 35 weeks
i am exactly
5 weeks away from my due date!
and guess what i did?
i went and fell belly-first into the corner of my nightstand. seriously! what kind of mother am i? i felt so terrible that i could have caused my baby harm that i repeatedly kept promising her that i will never ever drop her when she gets on the outside. i won't blame her if she decides to stay in there forever...
we had to go to the hospital for a non-stress test to monitor her heartrate and movements. they gave me 3 bags of fluid, ran some bloodwork to make sure there was no crossing of mom and baby blood for internal bleeding, and they made me stay for 24 hrs. to make sure my placenta didn't detach. which it didn't. and everything turned out to be fine.
when they checked me that night, they found that i was 2 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and said my cervix was super soft and felt like a laboring cervix. as in i could be going into labor in the near future. we are also pretty sure i lost my mucus plug during my stay, so i'm thinking baby may be here before her due date. i have my 36 week appt. (NINE MONTHS) in the morning, so we will find out a little more at that time. until then, enjoy some pics from our crazy week:

and guess what i did?
i went and fell belly-first into the corner of my nightstand. seriously! what kind of mother am i? i felt so terrible that i could have caused my baby harm that i repeatedly kept promising her that i will never ever drop her when she gets on the outside. i won't blame her if she decides to stay in there forever...
we had to go to the hospital for a non-stress test to monitor her heartrate and movements. they gave me 3 bags of fluid, ran some bloodwork to make sure there was no crossing of mom and baby blood for internal bleeding, and they made me stay for 24 hrs. to make sure my placenta didn't detach. which it didn't. and everything turned out to be fine.
when they checked me that night, they found that i was 2 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and said my cervix was super soft and felt like a laboring cervix. as in i could be going into labor in the near future. we are also pretty sure i lost my mucus plug during my stay, so i'm thinking baby may be here before her due date. i have my 36 week appt. (NINE MONTHS) in the morning, so we will find out a little more at that time. until then, enjoy some pics from our crazy week:

Site of the impact 1 week later.
Holli turned 4 months on the 9th, Tab is finishing up the nursery and I've been redecorating.
Hanging with Gigi
Office converted to my little girls room
Guest room converted to office/guest room
Holli eating baby apples for the first time
She ate the full 2.5 oz and LOVED it!!
Holli and her mommy looking pretty as they head off to Tab's baby shower
The making of a bed crown
The bed crown and mirror hung
Holli came to visit while mom and Auntie Doll go to Edge Fest.