Hurricane Sandy hit NJ October 29. Ryan was deployed to NJ 2-days afterwards to help with the CAT team. With Ryan gone, Tab and Blakely have been hanging out and I've been loving it. (even though I want Ryan home, the time with Tab & Blakely has been priceless)
Look who's sitting up all by herself just before 6-month!!
and drinking out of a sippy cup (yes an OU sippy cup)
Out shopping with Mommy and Gigi at Willow Bend Mall
Break time
Test driving BIG girl car seats for her upcoming birthday
Holli learned to clap 11/3 and started waving bye-bye on 10/24
You're the monkey, NO you're the monkey
At the gym with her Mommy and baby-buddies
Dallas Arboretum
Girls trip to Hot Springs for Reny's 50th birthday
Blakely stopped by Malory's place
"B" is teething so Tab gave her celery to chew on at the grocery store while shopping for Thanksgiving stuff
LOOKY, LOOKY...Blakely is such a big girl. She's not going to let Holli get much on her! :)
My little TURKEYS...
The dogs "You can't get us."
With Ryan out of town, Tab & Blakely came over so we could start making some Thanksgiving dishes

Our little helpers
Cousin's first bath together
Getting ready for their sleepover.